Obtaining Certificates from Hungary

How can I apply for a certificate?

The request for obtaining a Hungarian vital statistics certificate may be submitted in person at the Consulate. 

Please note that appointments are required for all consular and visa matters. We cannot accept walk-in applications.

Appointments can be booked directly through our online booking system. https://konzinfobooking.mfa.gov.hu

What is the cost of a certificate?

Obtaining certificates from Hungary is free of charge. 

What kind of certificates can be obtained from Hungary?

Only Hungarian certificates of vital statistics events, that took place in the present-day territory of Hungary. The state civil registry was introduced in Hungary in 1895.
In each case, accurate knowledge of the following is required:

  • Birth name
  • Place and date of birth (yyyy, mm, dd), with the district in case of Budapest
  • Mother's maiden name
  • Father's name
  • In the case of wedding certificates, the place and date of marriage (yyyy, mm, dd), with the district in case of Budapest

 What form should I fill out?

Forms are available for download here:

 Please fill the form out with a blue ink pen, in block capitals. Indicate the aim of obtaining the certificate. The application must be signed in front of the consular officer.

 What other documents are necessary to bring to the appointment?

In case of your own document or minor child: You will need to provide a valid ID.

If you are applying for someone else’s certificate:

  • It is necessary to present the document on which the application is based (e.g., certificate of relationship, etc.).
  • Written authorization is required from the person concerned in the certificate to be obtained. The authorization is (1) either handwritten and signed by the person himself or herself, or (2) it is written by someone else but signed by the person concerned in the certificate to be obtained and authenticated by two witnesses. Original authorization is required.
  • In the case of a deceased person, a copy of the certificate of death (certificate of registration) is required.