Should you wish to get married in Hungary, please contact the district office of the town in which you are a resident to ascertain the local marriage requirements. The district offices accept affidavits of civil status, birth certificates, and/or freedom to marry, and these documents can be obtained through the U.S. Embassy in Budapest. Be prepared to present an original birth certificate, any previous divorce certificates, and other relevant documents that may be needed to get married.
Although U.S. marriage statutes vary from state to state, a marriage performed in Hungary under Hungarian law is generally recognized as valid throughout the United States. In order to be legally binding, all marriages must be performed by a Hungarian civil authority before any religious ceremony takes place. You can, however, choose to have a religious ceremony before the civil marriage but be aware that a church ceremony will not be recognized as having any validity under Hungarian law.
One of the persons to be married must have resided at least 30 continuous days prior to the marriage in a town in the district where the civil ceremony is to take place. If both persons meet the residence requirement but reside in different districts, the civil ceremony may take place in either district of residence. All foreigners in Hungary must comply with this 30-day residence requirement. It can be waived only through a permission issued by the clerk of the local government.